The Semicolon Project;

A semicolon shows where a writer could’ve ended a sentence and chose not to.

Today (April 16) to show awareness for self harmers you might notice people have semicolons on their wrists!

I’m not a perfect girl and I’ve been through a time where I thought I’d never amount to anything and things wouldn’t go right! Dramatic days.

But I kept going. I was taught to.

Here’s my semicolon, I hope anyone sees it and decides to keep going!


And my favorite instagrammer has one today too! This is Zoey, she’s been battling anorexia in the hospital for a while now. If anyone knows how to keep going its her.


If she can so can you.
So today if you’re struggling with SH take a step back and think about everyone with a semicolon on their wrist for you.

Special thanks to Zoey for letting me use her picture.(:

Aware Nealie

P.S. Maggie says hi.

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