Hey Look Ma I Made it!

At the start of 2022, I began manifesting a 40 Under 40 award for myself. I’ve been working hard at my day job marketing our businesses to the local community. Six months into the year of manifestation I got an email from the editor of our local newspaper asking me to send over a headshot and a bio because I was a local 20 Under 40 recipient.

I have never organized a photo shoot with six outfit changes so quickly in my entire life. Lucky for me my fiance is an excellent portrait photographer. The publication was released this past month and because I am who I am I designed myself my own award. Then of course, because I am who I am (part II) I conspired with my other wonderful friend who also received the award and we went about planning our own reception for all of the winners and I designed every last one an award to be framed.

The announcement I designed for myself.

I have to say the real star of the show in my award is most definitely the headshots which I would not have without London. Here’s more of this fabulous work. We took all of these in the span of an hour and even started shooting late, but didn’t miss the sun.

Anyway, that’s all for now!



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