Bad Service and Good Tips

When I was in college my god mom passed away from cancer. Everyone made their way out to California to celebrate her life, to eat together as a family and to mourn.

Something about Aunt Vicki is that she was very intentional and loving with the plans for her death. She asked to schedule at a time that would be best for mine and my cousin’s (her other god child) studies. There would never have been a best time for one of the worst days in my life, but that doesn’t make the sentiment any less important or meaningful.

My entire life paused for one whole week along with my family. No school, no work and if I’m honest I can’t remember doing any of anything else either. But like my dad always says, you have to start splashing a little water on your face and keep going.

One morning after the funeral I finally splashed some water on my face to get back to work. I was a waitress and my first shift back I had to take a 30 top on the patio that no one wanted.

They were greeted late, their food came out wrong, they had two kids accidentally dump their food, I was stressed and my actual section was far away. They didn’t get awesome service, but I just made sure to smile and do what I could do in the moment for them one thing at a time.

It was multiple families and when they went to tab out I could tell they didn’t want to tip me. Their service was not good so I understood their frustration. One woman asked if I was okay because I seemed overwhelmed. I told her my god mom had just passed and it was my first shift back. She handed me a $100 tip and said she was glad I showed up for work that day. I started crying.

The other parents understood then and by the time all the families rounded up their tips I had pretty much equal to their bill to take home with me.

It would’ve made more sense for those people not to tip me at all. They didn’t even tip me over my service, they tipped out of kindness.

Because that woman took the time to be kind and ask me what happened instead of assuming I didn’t care about my work, she was able to step in and help in my life. I had been out of work for over a week and that act helped me catch up on my expenses.

That was just about 8 years ago now and I will always remember the kindness from these strangers.

What is something you have taken the extra step to do out of kindness recently?



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