75 Hard, Things Grandpa Said, More of What There Should Be and Other Perfectly Orchestrated Coincidences

God is truly all wonderful and all powerful.

As of Monday, November 20th I have officially completed my 75 Hard. 75 days of working out twice per day for 45 minutes each, drinking a gallon of water, following a diet, no cheat meals, no alcohol, taking a progress photo and also reading 10 pages of nonfiction. No alterations to the program. If you fail a task, you must restart on Day 1.

I began this challenge as a positive step towards consistency in my life. My main goal is to become intentional and consistent.

Our loving God is two very important things: Intentional and consistent. Here are some other things that have lined up perfectly today to assure me on my path.

The day I finished was a Monday. According to my Grandpa, “the most happy day of the week.” Please read the photo attached of a letter my grandpa wrote about Monday and the many blessings we are each afforded every day, but that I will take the time to acknowledge each Monday because of him.

That same day I read an entry I have never read in the Big Book. It made me cry. It was from a woman who had spent a long time in the rooms and was discussing how even with all her clean time she was still struggling to express her needs to others. She wanted to stand off instead. I often find myself feeling this way. It feels more natural for me to attempt to isolate as an alcoholic even now nearly 4 years sober. I work to live a better life every day. I want to be someone who communicates and takes responsibility for my emotions.

This is the text that stood out to me the most from her: “Thank Heaven nothing is as bad as it used to be and there is so much more of what there should be in my life.”

A little sob escaped me. Thank Heaven indeed. I am so fortunate.

Also the day lined up so that I would be cooking lunch for all of God’s people out at House of Prayer. This meal that I cook will be the official anniversary of my service work with the ministry. One whole year of feeding his people. Feeding folks is a ministry that was given to me by my parents through their passion for the church and the divine steering of God towards all things food and feeding others. The most direct picture of this ministry was modeled to me by both of my dads throughout my life beginning when I was very young. My dad feeding the unhoused in California while our family was in mourning. My bonus dad feeding other families each year for the holidays and through his restaurants.

The same day I also was awarded my Community Engagement cord for my service work with House of Prayer, HDCA, Cleburne Chamber, SHINE and now even the backup. project. (Get involved at http://www.thebackupproject.com)

I will wear this when I graduate with my masters to signify my time in service to my community in the duration of my studies.

Some people may not even notice the divine timing of these things, and I will pray for their eyes to be opened. If life is a symphony and we are the orchestra then surely God is the greatest conductor of all.

I am thankful for a love so powerful that His goodness can be shown to me in such an extreme way.

It brings a tear to my eyes to write this. To know I am lucky enough to even be alive in this moment, to experience so many blessings all on one day. What a wonderful season of gratitude. It really is that simple.

If you have read this, thank you. I hope you will commit to beginning something for yourself that you have been putting off for some time. You are smart, capable and important enough to begin the work on or with yourself and God will be with you through it. I pray over all of your own victories as well and for all the moments when you get to suddenly realize that nothing is as bad as it was and that there is so much more of what should be in your life.

Thank you, God. Gracias, Papa Dios.



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