Nothing But A Revival

Wow, my last blog post was published in 2018. I quit writing for a lot of reasons, but the number one reason was that I felt I didn’t have any extra time for it. When I got my degree in journalism writing because my job, and in a lot of ways it still is my job, so writing for fun just didn’t seem all that fun anymore.

Since I published my last blog I’ve turned 26, which is the oldest I’ve ever been. Isn’t that a weird concept? How are we ever supposed to be an expert in being a whatever-year-old when we only get 365 days to master it. I definitely haven’t mastered being a whatever-year-old but after 26 years I can say with (probably a disturbing amount) of confidence that I have mastered being a Nealie.

Can I tell you about one of the craziest things I’ve done since we last talked? I changed my Instagram handle. I am no longer NothingButNealie most places across the web, I’m November Elisabeth. When I changed my user name I cried. It felt a little silly, but it seemed like the end of an era to me. If I wasn’t NothingButNealie anymore than who was I? It turns out no matter what I call myself, where I am or who I’m with I’m still Nealie inside and those feelings subsided.

So, why the change? Well, in all this time I’ve actually become a semi-professional cosplayer. Being a professional just means you get paid to do it right? For that reason I say semi-professional because truth be told you probably give your piggy bank more coins for sitting on your shelf than TikTok will give me for two hours of full body paint and an extra hour of acting.

All that said, I do hope to write for leisure a bit more while I’m at this new point in my life and especially after I graduate with my masters in the winter. I know what you’re thinking, she didn’t even tell us about that part yet. I haven’t but I assure you I will eventually.

For now you can keep up with me around the internet a few places.

You can also listen to my new podcast, here. I’m giving y’all the sneak peek as my oldest and most loyal readers, but it will start coming out on my other blog The Cleburnite soon!

Don’t worry, I’ll see you sooner than later.



A Night With Elizabeth

My friend Elizabeth and I decided to hang out because it was Friday night! So we did. We were going to see the football game or the movie Footloose. We decided on seeing the movie because despite how hard our boys have been working the score never shows it. So we go to the movies and see the best movie in the world. And when I get out of the movie I get a text from my cousin saying hey your team just won and you missed it. I’m glad we went to the movie but it’s a bummer we missed our boys win. Excitement.


My Theory on Break-ups.

Okay so the usual when going through a break up is cry, cry, cry, eat, eat, eat, and repeat. Well That only gives you extra fat and puffy eyes. Trust me, at that point he does not want you back. I mean look at yourself. You’re a wreck. He’s like, “Wow I’m so glad I got rid of that emotionally unstable girl, she’s insane.” Then your like, “It’s not my fault.” Too bad it doesn’t mean he wants you back. Now these aren’t words from my mind! I sure wish he wanted you back! BUT, this guy is like, NO. So pretty much what you should do is ANY athletic activity that will take your mind off things. You can throw a ball against a wall for all I care just do something. Trust me.(: Then you need to write a poem about how you feel once a week until you are over this guy so you can be all sentimental to a piece of paper and not get everyone and their mom involved with a few bad idea Facebook posts. Then instead of eating ice cream I need you to stop drinking soda and stick to juices. First of all because they are calming and second because soda makes you bloat. And now for the finishing touch. I actually need you to eat HEALTHY, please do not go out to wal*mart and buy yourself a bag of candy over this guy! You’re gonna lose five pounds or just look super refreshed and since you’re getting all your anger and sadness out on top of that you are queen of the world. And guess what? I bet he wants you back. (;


A Word for the Beginning .

Hello, I’m Nealie and if you’re reading this you have found your way to my blog. Now I’m not going to blog about what’s on the news or what the media can’t stop talking about. This is a sort of “In The Life Of” blog. If you don’t care to know the stories of a girl with a strange name you might not want to stick around, but if you’re up for it I think you might enjoy this. I’ll try to blog every day, but that all depends on what happens in my day. I’ll try to keep it pretty interesting for y’all. Also I apologize for any gramatical errors in advance please don’t let it annoy you or turn you off of my blog! That being said I promise to try my best to keep all that to a minimum. We’re up for some good times and it all begins here.