Grief by Land and Sea

Every day since my best friend got pregnant I have become a master researcher in all things pregnancy, babies, baby safety, baby parties and Jesus. Especially Jesus, because I was appointed God Mother.

In fact, I downloaded one of those baby apps just to see what size her baby was every week. I often think back in amazement on how he started out the size of a sprinkle on a donut. At the start of the week I would send a text message. “Do you want to know how big baby is this week?” One week I even sent her a strawberry shirt to lounge in with a note, “This week baby is a strawberry! I am so berry excited!”

You see, I take my role very seriously because I am not having children of my own. Being invited to take part in such an important piece of a tiny human’s journey (their relationship with Papa Dios) has been the #1 privilege of my life.

In April we received a fatal diagnosis for my God Son that would result in almost instantaneous loss at his birth. In that moment I realized my role would be abridged. I had to shift my focus to getting him to heaven alongside my greatest friends of all and praying over all of this new, terrible and terrifying journey.

My God Son was born into heaven this August.

I cannot ever accurately put into words the grief associated with watching someone you love so much being coping with the loss of their own baby. The grief of months of preparation and planning and future building that seem to come to an abrupt end. The grief that ripples through the entire family.

The Rail Ride of Grief

It’s as if you’re on a train and you can’t get off of the train no matter how many stops it makes before yours. No matter how much speed it gains, time spend in holding on the side rails or how many stops it makes at places you would rather go instead, you’re stuck in the train car, watching through the windows, until your stop.

At some point it feels like you may never get off the train.

Until all of a sudden you do, you’re at the station. You have approximately 10 seconds to gather your bags and jump off all the while you find yourself pushed onto the platform instead. When you look back the train is gone. When you look down you’ve left most of your luggage.

At the station it seems like nothing you could have packed would have prepared you anyways, the weather is both too hot and too cold, it’s raining hard but the sun is out. You expected to find someone waiting for you, but they’re not here. You’ll have to walk the rest of the way home or call an Uber.

In my case, I decided I’d rather walk. We all know how unpredictable ride sharing can be.

Unused Furniture

If I’m honest with myself, every time I walk in my garage I cry just a little. At our house we prepared for our friends to not have to travel with much for us to spend time with them and Daniel. There is a little white high chair alongside all my stray boxes and decor. The chair gathers dust while it waits for him, while we all wait for him. He will never sit in it and that is something someone can never truly wrap their heart around.

Since August it is as if a part of my brain has been on hold. Waiting as well and gathering dust while we all wait for him. Hoping for the missing piece in our lives to click into place from somewhere. Perhaps holding to unload the new sadness that often feels like a case of broken celebratory champagne bottles in my heart. Maybe for answers or understanding, but I know some things pass all understanding.

A Healthy Respect for the Ocean

I have spent this past week on a cruise ship with my husband and our dear friends.

Each time I get on a boat I repeat to myself, “I have a healthy respect for the ocean.” As in, I’m not afraid of the ocean, but I’m aware of its depths, occasional roughness and its role as home to very large animals.

During this trip, while I look out at the vast, blue, deep ocean, I think of my own God Mother and how I throw up a hang loose sign just for her in all my photos while I enjoy life just as she instructed me to while she was on Earth with us. I think of Daniel, who I will not experience these things with on Earth.

I’ve also spent my fair share of time in the ocean while exploring. Just this week I kissed a stingray equal in size to myself and snorkeled a beautiful underwater national park.

The Beach of Grief

I rounded out my ocean time on one of my favorite private beaches. I find myself thinking that, over time, maybe grief can be like a beach.

The waves can be the overwhelming moments of grief with ebbs of everyday life, the sand at shore can be the happy moments or ways I cope or people who have loved me through these experiences, I will be just beyond the breaking wave on the soft sand and my sadness can remain the broken glass.

Some days, I know the grief will form in huge swells and my sadness will slam over the sand, my support system. The glass will spill over onto me where I sit on the land causing even more pain, but the tide will come back up again and take the glass back out into the waters.

Over time, the sharp, broken edges of my sadness will be worn away and whittled down into smoothness by the shores I’ve built. The memories of this sadness will hurt when they hurtle at full speed into the sand, but they will be more beautiful to remember and cherish, just like sea glass.

Today I am reminded that our darkest sadness and the brightest joys coexist every day in our temporary home on Earth. I am also reminded of the promise that one day we will all be together again without sadness or pain in our true home heaven. I take comfort in God’s promise to us. I give my sadness over to Jesus for him to turn into sea glass.

“Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.” Matthew 5:4



October Starter Kit

20 items under $25 that you didn’t know you needed for October

1.) This spider web throw blanket for all of your cozy hot cocoa cuddles.


Bonus, the webs are metallic, click the link to get it for $24.99.

2.) This Skull Mug for your hot cocoa.


Its probably worth getting one for yourself and your cuddle partner, click the link to get it for $10.99.

3.) These Halloween wine bottle labels for the festive wino in your life.


Click the link to get a set of 8 for $2.95.

4.) IV Bags for your Halloween party beverages (or vampire endeavors).


Use the link to get this set of 10 for $19.99.

5.) These throw pillow covers for a quick decor switch-a-roo.


Click the link to get this festive four pack for $15.69.

6.) Halloween classic, Hocus Pocus, for an annual dose of Sanderson Sisters mischief.


Click the link to get this classic for $4.99.

7.) This handmade PSL Candle, because DUH.

Click the link to get it for $9.99.

8.) This Shower Curtain, 90 percent to scare your friends and 10 percent to express your love of Halloween horror.


$13.30 in the link. Terrorizing your house guests, priceless.

9.) A Witchy Web Dress to high-key advertise your Halloween obsession.

For just $19.99 you can be the belle of any spooky bash.

10.) Or for a more subtle approach, this six pack of socks.

Click the link to get them for $14.95.

11.) My personal favorite, Corpse Bride.


Only $3.47 in the link.

12.) A Costume for your pet.


Including your fur child in festivities is a must. Click the link to get it for $6.45.

13.) An iPhone 6 Plus case to make a scary statement.


At the very least an epic conversation starter for $8.99 in the link.

14.) Or a more understated iPhone 6 case.


Click the link to get it for $8.99.

15.) Sassy halloween hair ties so you can work that up-do all month long.


Equally as fun for co-worker goodie bags. $10.98 in the link.

16.) These KISS nail decals for the nail polish challenged.


Click the link to get them for $5.99.

17.) A two pack of vampire soap to suck the blood…  I mean germs, out of your hands.


One for the kitchen and one for the bathroom all for $19.99.

18.) These firefly extensions. Mostly because they look cool, partly because they can complete your costume.


They come in a pack of 2 for $2.16 in the link.

19.) A literal Blood Bath.


$10.00 in the link.

20.) Finally, a chocolate candy assortment for the chocoholic in your life (or actual trick-or-treaters).


Save yourself a trip to the store, click the link to get this 46 oz. bag for $14.61.





Finally after cleaning all day the entire house is sparkling! I even put away my jewelry and it ended up making my wall look snazzy. (Picture attached) It’s a great suggestion for any girl with jewelry organizational problems! Try it out!
My friend Kitty came over around 4:30 and we chilled and got ready for dinner tonight. We also watched the ongoing pretty little liars marathon because we are such girls. And we are DYING to know who A is… Anywho I’m up to 207 views. I love you all so much! I’ll have a bite of steak for all of you. (And even veggies for those vegitarians out there.) Remember you can subscribe via email and leave those comments!


How to Handle Your Best Friend’s Break Up.

When your best friend gets dumped you have to know how to handle it! I’ve come up with 3 sure fire ways to help.
Number 1: Give her ice cream. Common sense I know, but honestly it does help.
Number 2: Text her every morning until she feels better.(: It’s just a nice thing to do! Be a good friend.
Number 3: Help her destroy all the precious memories of her relationship!

Try it.(;

Just Make It Happen Annoying Taco Man.

Today my dad came and got me from my grandmothers to take me out for a taco because my Poppy just passed away and well doing just about anything with my dad makes me feel better, but getting a taco is definately the most special. I’m ordering at Taco Bell with my dad. I order a simple cheesy bean and rice burrito no pico. The rude man interrupts my order and says we don’t sell those and I’m like huh dude put rice on a burrito. And he’s like ugh let me get my shift manager. And I’m murdering this man with my eyes. Then he makes all these dumb adjustments and gets it. Then he looks at me and goes I used to have a button for it. Does he want a cookie for making things hard? Line face.


Facebook Do’s and Don’ts From the Mind of the Average Teenager.

The next time you go to post on Facebook think of this post. Trust me, you’ll thank me later. Reason Number One: So the other day I have this post up on Facebook about a guy through some song lyrics. Classic girl thing. Then a few days later I get asked who I’m talking about. No big deal. EXCEPT DUE TO FATE I’M STARING RIGHT AT THE GUY I’M TALKING ABOUT lying to his face because hello, I can’t tell him it’s him. Reason Number Two: People might mistakenly think you’re talking about them! Think about the current situations of your social circle very carefully before posting. You’re friend might text you griping about how you are a failure of a best friend when really it’s about a stranger you saw at Kroger. And this is uhh… Hypothetically speaking of course… It didn’t happen to me or anything like that. Reason Number Three: The FB post you’re about to make is legitimately stupid. We don’t care about you eating 3 hamburgers at McDonalds. That’s something you text to the people who MUST know. Because your best friend will care. Just not the rest of the world.


Since We Left Off I’ve…

Okay since we left off I started drivers ed. Which is super duper great! Two more weeks and I’m out of the class! WOOT! Which is super good news because I’m actually very over it already! Anyway I also signed my friend Lynn up with me for her birthday present. It’s gotta suck getting drivers ed for your permit for your sixteenth birthday, but at least it’s a start. In other news since I so rudely stopped posting I’ve been busy running around with my friends, and keeping up with crazy amounts of homework! In all this highschool business I have had all my time stolen. I apologize. I promise to take better care of it this month!


How to Make People Feel Awkward at Grocery Stores.

So every girl has had that grocery trip where they only came to buy tampons. Which sucks. People are all staring and then they look at the box in your hand and then they run away like you have leprocy or something. Well okay, they don’t exactly run, but you get what I’m saying they look in the space around your head and make you feel awkward. So I created this method of shopping for those who don’t really care about how strange people think you are. And I created it just because some target employee had the nerve to stare at me all funny like. That man has never experienced awkward like this before. Okay so here is what I did. I picked up my like 50 pack of Kotex tampons and just held them in both my hands with my arms just straight out in front of me. Then this guy is like wow, I need to get out of this isle. Now, the next thing I did happened by complete accident but it’s brilliant. By accident my moms boyfriend elbowed my arms and the tampon box lands perfectly in the guys way, and in my mind I’m like, “Bingo feel the awkward!” When really I just started laughing hysterically and picked up my jumbo pack of tampons. So to review. Step 1: Hold out your tampon box as if you yourself are disgusted with shopping for them. And if you need to you may also move on to step 2: Just drop and or gently throw the box. You’re welcome.